
Quaker Literature

If you would like to find out more about Quakers, then here are some suggestions for further reading.

Key Quaker Texts

Quaker faith and practice is the core statement of the personal and corporate religious experience of Quakers in Britain. It contains writings by Quakers and others divided into sections which cover Quaker faith, action, testimonies, and reflections, as well as information about Quaker organisation and membership.  It is a living, growing document which is revised in each generation.  This regular revision enables Quaker faith and practice to reflect new developments in Quaker thought, and in our understanding of the world, our history, and our faith. It is available in various formats including digital.

Full details, including how to dowload a free copy, or buy digital & paper copies, can be found by clicking on the Quaker faith & practice fifth edition (free online) link under About Quakers below.

Advices and Queries is a brief document which is intended for use in Meetings and by individuals for private prayer and reflection. It contains advice, counsel, challenge and inspiration for all those who wish to grow in their spiritual lives.

It is published as the first section of Quaker Faith & Practice.

Again, full details can be found by clicking on the Quaker faith & practice fifth edition (free online) link under About Quakers below.

Some Other Quaker Books of Interest

A Light that is Shining by Harvey Gillman. A lively introduction to Quakers today, written for those who have not come across Quakers before.  101 pages. 3rd edition 2003.

Spirit of the Quakers by Geoffrey Durham. A basic introduction to the history of Quakers. Published 2010.

The Quaker Bookshop

The above books can be obtained from The Quaker Bookshop at Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.

A full list of titles together with ordering details can be found on the Quaker Bookshop website.

Charity Commission

The Charity Commission website page relating to our Area Meeting is Charity Commission - WIRRAL AND CHESTER AREA QUAKER MEETING.